Courtney Smyth is a caffeine fiend, one web search away from their newest fixation, and, most relevantly, a writer of stories.

They are the author of fantasy mysteries The Undetectables and The Undead Complex (Titan Books, 2024). Their work has also appeared in anthologies Into Chaos and The Last Five Minutes of a Storm, and in Paper Lanterns Literary Journal. Courtney is a 2024 recipient of the ESFS Chrysalis Award. They have been writing about ghosts, demons and murders since they were ten and have no plans to stop. They are from Dublin, currently living and writing in the West of Ireland with their partner and their pet corn snake, Steve.

Courtney, a white person with long brown hair is looking away from the camera. They are wearing red lipstick and black eyeliner, and a black tshirt and dark green check shirt. They are standing against a grey brick wall.
Courtney, a white person with long brown hair, is standing in a forest wearing a black shirt with silver collar points and a black leather jacket. They are turned slightly away from the camera, and the expression says they know a secret.

Courtney is represented by Zoë Plant at The Bent Agency.